PNG images with a transparent background have become increasingly popular in web design. They offer superior image quality while maintaining small file sizes. But what is an edge PNG and how does it differ from a regular transparent PNG?
An edge PNG is simply a PNG image that has been designed with an intentional edge around the subject matter. This edge is created to give the image a defined boundary, making it easier to integrate into website design. Edge PNGs are often used in web design to create badges, buttons, and other graphical elements that need to be easily distinguishable from the background.
One of the advantages of using an edge PNG is that it doesn't require any additional coding to make it work on a web page. The transparent background of the PNG image allows it to seamlessly blend into any color or background, making it perfect for use in responsive web design.
Another benefit of edge PNGs is that they can be easily customized to match your website's color scheme. Simply adjust the fill colors of the edge and the subject matter, and you have a customized graphical element that will match the rest of your website.
If you're considering using edge PNGs in your web design, it's important to note that they are best used sparingly. Overusing graphical elements can negatively impact website load times and make a website feel cluttered. Nonetheless, when used appropriately, edge PNGs are a valuable tool for adding subtle but impactful design elements to your website.
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